It takes a unique individual to want to be an entrepreneur. Known for marching by the beat of our own drums, we can lead unconventional lifestyles, working odd and long hours and putting unique strain on our bodies and minds. We know how much emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual labor you’ve invested in your mission, and we want to help you create a lifestyle that enables you to operate at your best. This section is dedicated to helping you RESTORE in a way that’s aligned with your values, taking care of yourself while you’re chasing your passion and changing the world.

A couple of Sunday afternoons ago, the Wine and Food Foundation hosted its Toast of Texas featuring some 30+ wineries pouring wines at Star Hill Ranch. While you expect to see some of Texas’ wine pioneers at this event, it’s always fun to meet and taste wines from some of the newer or more far-flung wineries in the Lone Star State.