By Candace Wofford
Thomas Pesquet, the French and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut, gave a presentation during SXSW 2023 La French Tech event at Parker Jazz Club, about his experiences living on the International Space Station (ISS) to a packed house, which was made up of roughly 80% French-speaking attendees, including the Ambassador of France. Pesquet showed a spectacular, behind-the-scenes video and discussed what it takes to live and work in space, including the challenges and rewards as well as what it’s like to be part of the team of scientists and engineers working on the ISS.
Pesquet was launched to the International Space Station for his first six-month mission, Proxima, in November 2016. Thomas’s second mission to the Space Station, known as Alpha, was from April to November 2021. During his time on the ISS, Pesquet conducted several spacewalks to help with maintenance and upgrades to the station, as well as conducted experiments in space to advance scientific research.

Living on the ISS is a unique experience that comes with many challenges. One of the most difficult aspects is adjusting to life in microgravity. This can cause physical changes in the body, such as loss of bone density and muscle mass, and can also affect the way astronauts eat, sleep, and work. Despite these challenges, living on the ISS also comes with many rewards. Astronauts get to experience stunning views of Earth from space, and they have the opportunity to conduct research that can help improve life on Earth. The close-knit community on the ISS also makes for a unique and fulfilling social experience.
When asked what it takes to be an astronaut, he said that people of course need to have the brains and the athletic ability, but most importantly they need to have a growth mindset, meaning that they need to be able to learn from failure and bounce back from setbacks. It can take a toll on the mind to be living in the void of space, away from family and friends, for long periods of time so the space agencies need to make sure that anyone they choose can handle it mentally.
Pesquet’s presentation was particularly relevant in the context of the growing interest in space exploration and the increasing role of private companies in the industry. As space travel becomes more accessible and affordable, it’s important for the public to understand the challenges and opportunities of living and working in space. When asked if he shared Elon Musk’s vision for space travel and populating other planets, he in short said yes, but expanded his answer by explaining that first and foremost there should be a dedication to making the earth a better place. Money spent by space agencies to explore only uses 10-15% of the funds available. The other 85-90% is used to research Earth. The ISS is continually sending back images and data so we can understand our own planet better.
That being said, his talk was immediately followed by Barbara Belvisi, Founder and CEO of Interstellar Lab who shed light on the journey of the future with cutting-edge innovations for earth and space using agricultural technology, food technology, green technology, and space technology. Interstellar labs builds mini-biomes used to grow fruits and vegetables, which will be essential for space travel as Pesquet informed the crowd that man’s mission to Mars will take 300 days to arrive, 300 days of living on Mars and conducting research, then 300 days to return to Earth. There is no way to pack the rocket with food for multiple people for 900 days so Belvisi’s biomes can be used to grow food for the astronauts.

Overall, Pesquet’s and Belvisi’s presentations at SXSW 2023 were fascinating looks into the life of an astronaut and the important work being done on the ISS along with the future of space exploration. It’s clear that the human space program is making incredible progress and achieving new milestones all the time, and it will be exciting to see what comes next.

Candace Wofford is a dedicated Longhorn who earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Texas. She has her MS in Marine Science with a focus on Reproductive Endocrinology. As an expert in the Social and Emotional Learning Field, she shares her passion to high-school students to inspire them to become the best versions of themselves. She is a mother of two beautiful children, Jace (5) and Piper Beverly (1.5) so together they are PB&J and she is happily married to her Action Sports Expert Hubby, Jade.